Hole Punch In Az Drivers License
You may transfer your valid, out-of-state driver license to Colorado. Per Colorado Revised Statute, the license you previously held will be voided (it will be marked with a single hole punch in the upper right corner). Not in the US, no. By law, when you move to a new state, you have a limited time period to obtain a new license, and the old one must be expired. In some states they will simply punch a hole in it and give it back to you. In others, they will destroy it. Most will want you to turn in the original license, though.
I am going to bump this thread up for any recent experiences. Just renewed my DL. In my state they now issue a paper temporary with your picture. And they give you the old license back but clip off the corner.
Download simulator bus indonesia laptop download. My old license doesn't actually expire for another month. I panicked a bit as I have several US/domestic trips coming up probably before I get my new permanent license. As back up I plan to take my SS card, a certified birth certificate and have tons of other cards with my name on it.
I don't have a current passport, unfortunately. Am I going to be o.k. Any advice appreciated. I am going to bump this thread up for any recent experiences. Just renewed my DL. In my state they now issue a paper temporary with your picture.
And they give you the old license back but clip off the corner. My old license doesn't actually expire for another month. I panicked a bit as I have several US/domestic trips coming up probably before I get my new permanent license.

As back up I plan to take my SS card, a certified birth certificate and have tons of other cards with my name on it. I don't have a current passport, unfortunately. Am I going to be o.k. Any advice appreciated. Thanks!Bring both the old clipped ID and the temporary piece of paper. In Texas, the old ID/license is invalid the moment you renew it.

I renewed mine on-line and am waiting for the new one to be mailed. Technically, my license is invalid. But no one would able to tell unless they ran it (i.e. TSA guys just look at it and never try to confirm it's validity by looking it up. What I DID get was a form to actually print out myself that is supposedly my temporary ID/license that is supposed to work in conjunction with my old license. Temporary licenses are an every-4-year problem for me. In Michigan, the DMV/SOS snips-off the expiration date and staples the DL to the renewal appl.
The paper is the temporary license. The plastic is supposed to be the confirming pic & hologram. Sadly; TSA, VA & FL law enforcements officials become hyper-vigilant. Their little picture book of state DL's. Includes NO INFO whatsoever re: renewals. Unwinding the mess takes a good long while; 45 minutes @ MCO. 3.5 hours @ DCA.
All were seriously unhappy that the expiration date had been snipped. They insisted that I was in big trouble for altering an official document. Even though *I* did not do the snipping.
I attempted and failed to convince the MI SoS that their standard procedures were creating havoc elsewhere. They wouldn't even listen to the complaint. One staffer finally suggested that I should 'lose' my license ~60 days before the expiration.
And apply for a replacement. The replacement will be good for the next four years. Of course; that bit of subterfuge is itself, yet another 'crime.' Thanks for responses and assurances.. To follow up I had no problems flying this past week with paper temp and corner snipped off license. Only two agents questioned the snipped off corner. I just explained about the renewal process in my state and showed my temporary paper one also.
There are several rumors on what caused the horrible murder, but it would not be wise to publish them. Fast break pro basketball serial killer. Will keep you posted. The people are wild over the horrible occurrence. Faust is still alive, but there is hardly any hope of her recovery. Several persons have been arrested, but there is no clue to the perpetrator as yet.
(one agent even said, that's o.k. I don't need to see that temporary one.) After posting my concerns last week -- I remembered that a former colleague's husband is now with TSA -- I called him and he also said that they see corner snipped and paper temp license situation frequently and was confident it would would not be a problem. But, told me to have both with me, of course. Now I will say my corner snipped license during the 'snipping' -- did not remove any of the important information. And it is not actually expired for another month. It still has my picture, all data/dates, expiration date, holigrams, etc.
And temp paper license has my picture also. I wonder why some states are so bad with issuing licenses. My brother got his the week after he turned 18, first time license, not a citizen. Showed up to the AZ DMV with all the documents and forms, once he passed all the tests they gave him the license that same day. I had to get mine extended earlier this month since my permit to stay in the country was extended.