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How to inspect, diagnose & repair oil burners used on oil-fired heating boilers or furnaces using a visual inspection approach as well as (optional) simple test equipment. We include a description of common oil burner adjustment and operating problems and we illustrate some of the basic oil burner tests and measurements made in servicing and adjusting the equipment for safe, efficient operation. We illustrate oil burner smoke testing and oil burner carbon dioxide level measurement. This article series answers most questions about all types of heating system troubleshooting, inspection, diagnosis, and repairs. We describe how to inspect, troubleshoot and repair heating and air conditioning systems to inform home owners, buyers, and home inspectors and students of heating service methods about common heating system defects.
The articles at this website describe how to recognize common oil-fired heating appliance operating or safety defects, and how to save money on home heating costs We also provide a to this topic, or you can try the page top or bottom as a quick way to find information you need. How to Troubleshoot Problems at Oil Burners Found on Heating Boilers, Water Heaters, Furnaces This article explains the inspection, diagnosis, & repair of oil burners used in heating appliances such as hot water boilers, steam boilers, & water heaters. In the oil burner inspection article provided here we explain visual and other clues of oil burner problems. To find what you need quickly, if you don't want to scroll through this index you are welcome to use the page top or bottom to search InspectApedia for specific articles and information. Article Series Contents: • • • • • • • • • • - Diagnostic Steps - what to check in what order • • An expert inspection of an oil burner begins either with having made note of building owner/occupant concerns (noises, odors, no heat, high fuel costs), or with having made some basic visual observations outside: a sooty chimney top, for example.
The sketch shown just above is provided courtesy of, a Toronto home inspection, report writing tool, & home inspection education company. [Click to enlarge any image] The oil burner inspection continues indoors, even before entering the utility room where the oil burner (or often more than one of them if oil fuel is used for both heating and a separate water heater) is located: look at the building interior as you enter: are there odors, soot deposits, noises associated with the heating system? The oil burner inspection becomes detailed, and diagnostic, when you can actually see the equipment. It's obvious that you should notice oil leaks, soot in the boiler or furnace room, noises, odors, signs of repeated repairs, piles of junked parts, signs of unprofessional work (covers off of controls, sloppy wiring or plumbing). But just what each of these clues might mean bears some additional explanation that we offer below.
Outdoor Clues of Heating Equipment Oil Burner Troubles Question: smell and white smoke from the flue (Sept 2, 2017) Randy said: When starting our boiler this season we get a smell and white smoke from the flue like poor/too cool combustion. Reply: Here are some questions to ask about a smoky or poorly-operating oil burner, starting with stuff you might observe outdoors or at the chimney top. • Was your heating service technician in a rush to leave? We took this photo of a heating service tech who was in a very big rush to leave the job, after his disastrous service call. We figured he was in over his head, or maybe had some personal troubles. Fortunately the heating service company manager had other, excellent service technicians on staff who were able to un-botch this guy's job.