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Surf music Stylistic origins • • Cultural origins Late 1950s to early 1960s, United States Typical instruments • • • • Derivative forms • • • • • Subgenres • • • Fusion genres • Local scenes • Other topics • • • Surf music is a subgenre of associated with, particularly as found in. It was especially popular from 1962 to 1964 in two major forms. The first is instrumental surf, distinguished by -drenched played to evoke the sound of crashing waves, largely pioneered by and the Del-Tones. The second is vocal surf, which took elements of the original surf sound and added, a movement led. Dick Dale developed the surf sound from, where he added and, a, and the rapid alternate characteristics. His regional hit ' (1961) launched the surf music craze, inspiring many others to take up the approach. The genre reached national exposure when it was represented by such as the Beach Boys.
Dale is quoted on such groups: 'They were surfing sounds [with] surfing lyrics. In other words, the music wasn't surfing music. The words made them surfing songs. That was the difference. The real surfing music is instrumental.' At the height of its popularity, surf music rivaled and for top American popular music trends. It is sometimes referred to interchangeably with the.
During the later stages of the surf music craze, many of its groups started to write; this was later known as hot rod rock. 1963 performance flyer, promoting surf musicians Surf music emerged in the late 1950s as instrumental music, almost always in straight 4/4 (or common) time, with a medium to fast tempo.
The sound was dominated by which were particularly characterized by the extensive use of the 'wet' that was incorporated into from 1961, which is thought to emulate the sound of the waves. The outboard separate that was developed by Fender in 1961 (as opposed to reverb that was incorporated as a built-in amp feature) was the actual first 'wet' surf reverb tone. This unit is the reverb effect heard on Dick Dale records, and others such as ' by the and 'Point Panic' by the. It had more of a wet 'plucky' tone than the 'built in' amp reverb, due to a different circuitry.

[ ] Guitarists also made use of the on their guitar to bend the pitch of notes downward, electronic tremolo effects and rapid (alternating). Guitar models favored included those made by (particularly the, and guitars),,, or, usually with pickups (which had high treble in contrast to double coil pickups). Surf music was one of the first genres to universally adopt the electric bass, particularly the Fender. Classic surf drum kits tended to be,,. Some popular songs also incorporated a tenor or baritone, as on ' ' (1963) and ' 'Comanche' (1961).
Often an electric organ or an featured as backing harmony. [ ] History [ ] By the early 1960s, had been pioneered successfully by performers such as,. This trend was developed by, who added and, the distinctive reverb (giving the guitar a 'wet' sound), and the rapid alternate characteristic of the genre (influenced by, which Dale learnt from his uncle). His performances at the Rendezvous Ballroom in during the summer of 1961, and his regional hit ' later that year, launched the surf music craze, which he followed up with hits like ' (1962). 's ' (1962), a surf rock of a. It is often considered Dale's signature single. Problems playing these files?
Like Dale and his, most early surf bands were formed in Southern California, with in particular having a strong surf culture, and the Rendezvous Ballroom in hosted many surf-styled acts. Groups such as (whose hit 'Mr. Moto', influenced by Dale's earlier live performances, was released slightly before 'Let's Go Trippin'), (with their album ) and then followed Dale to regional success. Scored a top ten national hit with ', reaching number 4 in May 1963. Probably the single-most famous surf tune hit was ' with its intro of a wicked laugh by the; the Surfaris were also known for their cutting-edge lead guitar and drum solos, and Wipe Out reached number two on the Hot 100 in August 1963 and number 16 in October 1966.